Exploring Dynamic Heterogenous City Data with Data Science
报 告 人:Fabien Pfaender Associate Professor
[An French Scholar at the ComplexCity/Institute of Smart City Lab in SHU]
报告时间:2013年 4月 12日(周 五)10:00-11:30
邀 请 人:周文 副教授
Cities can be analyzed through the data they produced creating a numeric footprint (spontaneous talk on the web, Open Data, Sensor data). To get insight from cities we organize their exploration in 3 major steps : Data Capture, Data Exploration and Data Presentation. Each of these steps require a wide range of techniques and methods gathered in a new field called Data Science which put together Statistics, Machine learning, Computer Science and Design. We propose a journey among cities data with data science. That is the exploration of some dynamic heterogenous datasets from Weibo, Dianping or Open Street Map and their analysis especially with visualizations (EDA). We also want to identify and discuss the scientific challenge we face when dealing with such large scale imprecise data.
Dr. Fabien PFAENDER is a French associate professor in the ComplexCity / Institute of Smart City Lab in Shanghai University. His main research interest is the exploration of massive and complex datasets using data science methods with a strong emphasis on Visualizations and Web Mining. He applies these methods on the data produced by cities to get new insight on their organization and structure. He is also interested in methodology of data capture /scraping coming from Social Network, Sensors, Open Data or the Web. Fabien got its PhD in 2009 in France in Computer Science and Communication & information science. His phd thesis focused on visual analytics and theory of visualization to explore datasets.