Internal solitary waves in the coastal ocean——理学院




时间: 2013年06月07日 09:30

地点: 延长校区应用数学和力学所会议室

  力学所Seminar 776
题  目:Internal solitary waves in the coastal ocean
报告人: Prof.  Roger  Grimshaw   (Loughborough University, UK)
时  间:  6月7日(周五)上午9:30
地  点:  应用数学和力学所会议室
摘要:Internal solitary waves are a common feature in the coastal oceans. Typically they are formed when the barotropic tide interacts with prominent topographic features, generating a baroclinic tide, which evolves and steepens, thus generating large amplitude internal solitary waves. They are highly signi cant dynamically, and can have severe implications for submersibles, marine o shore structures, oceanic sound communication, marine biology and sediment transport. Using model equations of the Korteweg-de Vries type, we will describe how  hese waves evolve over variable bottom topography and under the in uence of the earth's background rotation. The scenarios range from adiabatic deformation, to disintegration and transformation into nonlinear wave trains with very di erent features.