



时间: 2013年06月08日 09:00

地点: 校本部乐乎新楼2号楼 思源厅





乐乎新楼2号楼 思源厅




马西沙 中国社会科学院世界宗教研究所研究员




Protestant Missionary Publications in Chinese in Libraries and Archives outside China: An
and Some Research Questions



唐日安教授(Ryan Dunch)加拿大阿尔伯特大学东亚系主任


Missionaries and Chinese Christians in the late Qing produced thousands
of publications in Chinese, from one-page tracts to complex scholarly works,
covering a wide array of religious and non-religious subject matter. While some
of this material has been well studied, much of it has not been. Nor was it
systematically collected by the mission boards or other agencies during the
late Qing, and therefore the collections of extant material are piecemeal and
widely dispersed. My talk will provide a short overview of Protestant
missionary publications in Chinese to 1911, and then describe some of the major
extant holdings of this material in libraries and archives outside of China. Some
research findings and further questions will also be discussed.


is an Associate Professor of History and
Chair of the
Department of
East Asian Studies at the University
of Alberta. He is
the author of Fuzhou Protestants and the Making of a Modern China, 1857-1927 (Yale
University Press, 2001), as well as articles and book
chapters related to the past and present of Christianity in Chinese society. His principal current research focus
is missionary publishing
in Chinese before
1911. He serves as one of the editors of H-ASIA, an
international list serve for specialists in Asian history and studies.


Documentation of Chinese Christianity at Yale University



司马莉(Martha Lund Smalley)耶鲁大学神学院图书馆差会文献部主任


paper will describe primary sources related to Chinese Christianity that are
available at Yale
University.  The
methods of collecting and describing material will be explained, as well new
programs that will make documentation available to researchers on the Internet.


Martha Lund Smalley
is Special Collections Librarian and Curator of the Day Missions Collection at
the Yale University Divinity School Library. Co-author of the Rescuing
the Memory of our Peoples 
archives manual, which has been translated
into six languages, she has served as a consultant and has conducted archives
workshops worldwide. Her published works related to mission history include American
Missionary Eyewitnesses to the Nanking Massacre 
and Hallowed
Halls, Protestant Colleges in Old China.  
Smalley has
been active in projects such as the International Mission Photography Archive,
the American Context of China’s Christian
Colleges project, and the Western
Medicine in China




陈方中教授 辅仁大学天主教史料研究中心主任



