2013年 第21讲 总第313讲
Integrating Space into Social Science Research
主讲人:徐宏伟 博士
主讲人简介:徐宏伟博士毕业于美国布朗大学,师从美国著名社会学家John Logan教授。目前在美国密歇根大学的社会科学研究所(ISR)任高级研究员,从事环境社会学和空间社会学的定量研究工作。他已经在”Demographic research”, “Health affairs”, “Population studies”, “Urban Geography”等杂志上发表多篇学术论文。
讲座内容简介:Recent development in spatial statistics and increased availability of spatial data have sparkled new interests in integrating space into social science research. Human behaviors are often directly or indirectly, intentionally or subconsciously shaped by the space in which they take place. Therefore, spatial thinking has the potential to provide a new perspective of understanding social interactions and population dynamics. This talk aims to provide a survey of the recent progress in spatial analysis in social science research. After a brief overview of several empirical examples drawn from sociology and demography, the talk will focus on two projects in progress: (1) ethnic residential segregation and child mortality in a historical U.S. city, and (2) residential segregation in Shanghai. The talk will conclude with a prime challenge for spatial scholars: How do we think spatially and inform the traditional spatial social science research?
信息发布:http://www.sei.shu.edu.cn/ 上海高校社会学E-研究院网站
中国.上海.上大路99号B419 邮编: 200444
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Shanghai, P. R. China, 200444
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