



时间: 2013年07月01日 10:00

地点: 校本部东区材料楼326房间

                  Advances in Large-Amplitude Oscillatory Shear Flow

报告内容简介:In 1935, Andrew Gemant conceived of the complex viscosity, a rheological material function measured by "jiggling" an elastic liquid in oscillatory shear [Rheol. Acta, 51, 481 (2012)]. This test reveals information about both the viscous and elastic properties of the liquid, and about how these properties depend on frequency. The test gained popularity with chemists when John Ferry perfected instruments for measuring both the real and imaginary parts of the complex viscosity [“Ferry 1912-2002 …,” Mem. Trib., NAE, 17, (in press)]. In 1958, Cox and Merz discovered that the steady shear viscosity curve was easily deduced from the magnitude of the complex viscosity, and today small-amplitude oscillatory shear is the single most popular rheological property measurement. With oscillatory shear, we can control two things: the frequency (Deborah number) and the shear rate amplitude (Weissenberg number). When the shear rate amplitude is large, the elastic liquids respond with a shear stress over a series of odd-multiples of the test frequency. In this lecture we will explore how this shear stress response is measured, and we will examine both continuum (corotational models [JNNFM, 166, 1081 (2011)]) and molecular (rigid dumbbells) approaches to interpreting large-amplitude oscillatory shear measurements. We consider these models to be the simplest relevant continuum and molecular models. We will also explore the normal stress response [Rheol. Acta, 50, 741 (2011)], and the fluid temperature rise [I&ECR, 52, 2008 (2013)] in large-amplitude oscillatory shear flow.
报告人:A.J. Giacomin
        杰克明教授出生在加拿大金士顿,在女王大学获得学士和硕士学位后进入杜邦加拿大研究机构。在麦吉尔大学跟随John Dealy获博士学位,论文题目带有剪切应力换能器的滑动板流变仪。先在Texas A&M University供职,后供职于威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校 流变学工程中心教授和主任。喜欢骑车和冰球,专长专利诉讼,多所国际大学兼职,是1600人左右流变学科学家协会主席
                    University of Wisconsin,Madision
报告时间:2013-07-01 10:00