报告题目 (Title):Topology Physics and Semiconductor Topological Photonics (拓扑物理与半导体拓扑光子学)
报告人 (Speaker):胡晓 教授(日本国立物质材料研究机构、筑波大学)
报告时间 (Time):2023年11月7日(周二)15:30
报告地点 (Place):校本部J102
邀请人 (Inviter):钟建新 教授
It was shown that deforming the honeycomb structure in a semiconductor photonic crystal in ways respecting C6v symmetry, one opens gaps at G point in the Dirac-type dispersion accompanied by a p-d band inversion, yielding a photonic analogue of quantum spin Hall effect [1]. In this talk, after a brief introduction on the basic notions of topology physics [2], I will discuss on recent research frontiers of semiconductor topological photonics and related fields [3-6].
[1] L.-H. Wu and X. Hu, Phys. Rev. Lett. vol. 114, 223901 (2015).
[2] H. Weng, R. Yu, X. Hu, X. Dai and Z. Fang, Adv. Phys. vol. 64, 227 (2015).
[3] Y.-T. Yang, X. Hu and Z.-H. Hang et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. vol. 120, 217401 (2018).
[4] Y. Li, Z. Guo, H. Chen and X. Hu et al., Nat. Commun. vol. 9, 4598 (2018).
[5] Z.-K. Shao and X. Hu et al., Nat. Nanotechnol. vol. 15, 67 (2020).
[6] X.-X. Wang, Z. Guo, H. Chen and X. Hu et al., Nat. Commun. vol. 14, 3040 (2023).